About Krtina Publishing House
Krtina Publishing House primarily publishes three specialist series, covering the fields of sociology and the humanities. The Krt series is the oldest of its kind in Slovenia. It has been published since the early 80s and comprises 150 books to date. Besides providing a theoretical forum for otherwise neglected areas, the works in this series expose various social phenomena to scientific discussion and critical reflection. In its 15 years existence, the Temeljna Dela (Fundamental Works) series has substantially enriched the Slovenian intellectual, professional and cultural spheres. Consisting of translations of authors, whose work has essentially shaped contemporary critical thought, it provides Slovenian critics and experts with a source of reference and insight. In the year 2007 the new book series, the Kratka (Short) started to be published. It consists of selected titles/books from the extensive series titled The Very Short Introduction published by the Oxford University Press. Kratka brings theoretical introductions to various topics (from history to humanities, natural science, religion, etc.) for wider public as well for more demanding readers, who want to deeper their knowledge on certain topic.
The activities of Krtina publishing house [and those linked with the three series] have brought together thinkers of various profiles: acclaimed experts in a wide range of sociological and humanistic sciences, covering the areas of sociology, economy, philosophy, art, and cultural and media studies; together they form a vigorous editorial team.
Krtina’s publications also contain introductory texts by Slovenian authors; these are usually the end product of in-depth analyses and research activities, and have proven invaluable to both students, who use them as study aids or points of reference, and the general public, for whom they provide a theoretical framework, within which they can articulate their interests. The authors are renowned and established experts in the humanities and sociological sciences and/or highly qualified assistants at various research, university, and cultural institutions.
Beside publishing activities Krtina regularly organizes public forums on certain topics which are in close relation to our publishing program. The forums support critical reflection on actual social issues and form theoretical contextualisation for our books.
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SI-1000 Ljubljana
tel: +386 (0)1 251 5585
fax: +386 (0)1 620 8713
e-mail: urednistvo@zalozbakrtina.si